Posted on 2/10/2018 by Allan Hablutzel |
When you have a custom crown placed in your mouth, then you want to make sure that you are able to keep it clean and healthy for the time that you have it. Dental crowns are not usually a forever thing, so you want to think about taking the best care of them that you can. When this happens, you need to think about how the crowns fit in the mouth and whether or not they need special care. Caring For Your New Dental CrownCaring for the new dental crown in your mouth is something that can be done when it comes to getting the most out of the oral care that you are doing.When you want to make sure that the crown in your mouth is happy and healthy, then brushing and flossing is highly recommended. The dentist that places the crown in the mouth can show you exactly how to floss around it for the best care. Additionally, brushing is recommended twice a day. The crown can be treated like your normal tooth once you go home, but during the first 24 hours, you will want to refrain from eating anything sticky or hard in that area to let the crown set. Once it is set, the crown acts and looks just like a normal tooth in the mouth and can be treated as such. Just remember that good oral hygiene is always recommended, crown or not. Speak with our office if you are thinking about having a crown put in your mouth or if you have other dental concerns that need to be addressed. We are more than happy to provide you with the dental work that you need to have or speak with you regarding the next steps you should take to care for them. Contact us today to set up an appointment. |