Dental Exam Bremerton, WA
Dental Exams provided by Dr. Hablutzel
in Bremerton, WA at Pacific Ave. Dental
Dental exams are a critical part of preventative dentistry. At our practice, we believe that oral problems are preventable, and most of them are easily treatable if they are discovered as early as possible through regular evaluations and X-rays. Our dentist at Pacific Ave. Dental is ready to answer all your questions on oral health evaluation.
What Is a Dental Exam?
A dental exam is a detailed look at the state of your gums, teeth, and whole mouth. It covers basics such as examining the condition of the mouth and teeth using a mirror and sickle probe to determine points that need intervention.
Types of Dental Exams
There are different variations of dental exams, often depending on the type of problems and issues unique to every patient. Here are the three most common types:
Comprehensive Exams
Comprehensive exams are usually completed the first time you visit our dentist for a dental exam. This exam consists of a dental assessment that includes the use of X-rays of the entire mouth. A comprehensive exam also includes oral cancer screening, a TMJ exam, a thorough teeth inspection, and a gum health assessment. The primary goal of a comprehensive dental evaluation is to establish a baseline that our dentist can use to read the health state of your entire mouth.
Regular Dental Exams
Regular dental exams involve our dentist completing a dental assessment during your routine hygienic visit. The primary goal of a regular dental exam is to check for any problems inside the mouth that might have emerged after your last exam.
Limited Dental Exam
A limited exam is a type of dental exam that targets specific teeth problems. Our dentist might conduct a limited dental exam when you visit to report a severe toothache or a broken tooth. The procedure for a limited dental exam is quite simple, and it can involve a single X-ray that shows the specific area of the mouth that needs intervention.
The Comprehensive Dental Evaluation
A comprehensive dental evaluation is a dental exam that goes beyond the regular checks to determine the condition of the teeth and the mouth. A comprehensive dental evaluation goes into more detail, and the extras include the following items.
Tooth by Tooth Exam
During a tooth-by-tooth exam, our dentist will check each tooth in detail. The check is in-depth and detailed, and our dentist will be looking out for more than just tooth discoloration and plaque. The examination involves looking out for subtle damage and chips, as well as the condition of fillings and any other types of dental restorations previously done on the teeth.
Periodontal Exam
The periodontal exam involves examining the gums. Our dentist checks the gums to determine if there are any changes in color and if the flesh around the teeth is as firm as it should be when the gum is considered healthy. Our dentist will also notice when the gums have receded and if there are signs of bleeding, which are two critical indicators of ill health.
A periodontal examination reveals the possible presence of gum disease, which would then require immediate treatment from the dentist. It also reveals the onset of gum disease, which is then treated to prevent more trouble for the patient.
Bite Evaluation
A comprehensive dental exam also involves testing for the state of your bite. Sometimes, you can experience pain when chewing or biting, and the cause of that pain might be because your teeth are misaligned. Bite evaluation reveals any issues with teeth alignment, even the subtle kind, and any other problems in the joints of the jaw.
Additional Tests During a Dental Exam
The dental check-up examples listed above are considered a detailed version of a standard exam. However, there are additional tests that our dentist might recommend when you visit our practice.
A comprehensive dental evaluation that includes aesthetics involves our dentist checking the front and back and in between the teeth. The examination entails looking out for the whiteness and straightness of teeth, which are good indicators of overall health. If your teeth are white, your teeth are clean, and vice versa.
A comprehensive dental exam may also include the use of X-rays. X-rays allow our dentist to examine the bone structure of the jaw and the state of the roots of the teeth. X-rays can show the existence of bone damage that is not normally visible to the naked eye, making it possible for the dentist to unearth additional information concerning underlying issues with your teeth.
Oral Cancer Screening
Finally, a comprehensive oral examination can include checks for the presence of oral cancer. Oral cancer screening is a critical part of the dental examination procedure as it facilitates early detection, which is essential in the treatment of any form of cancer. If cancer stays undetected, it makes it larger and harder to treat when it is finally detected. Oral cancer screening during a dental examination is a life-saving element that should come as a priority.
Benefits of Dental Exams
Many dentists view regular dental exams as a type of insurance for your future dental health. Preventative care and early intervention mean fewer issues with your teeth later on. Below are some of the benefits of routine dental exams.
Detecting Cavities Early Enough
Admittedly, many people wait until they are in unbearable pain before they can go for any dental diagnostic exam. A regular dental exam makes it possible to detect cavities early before they can cause you unbearable pain or health complications like blood infections or abscesses.
Saves You Money
A dental exam is part of preventative dentistry, which always aims to stop tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems from happening. Our dentist will check your teeth for any signs of health problems and commence treatment immediately, saving you the money you would spend on complex dental procedures later down the road.
An Opportunity for Teeth Cleaning
A dental assessment can reveal a build-up of tartar and plaque, which your dental hygienist will clean immediately. An oral health exam and dental cleaning together mean fewer dentist visits later. You can see this visit as a two-for-one special!
Improve Your Oral Health With a Dental Exam
A dental exam can address several dental issues, from functional concerns to health concerns and aesthetic concerns. Come and meet our team at Pacific Ave. Dental to discuss your dental examination needs. Contact us at (360) 373-3515 to schedule your next appointment with us. |